
C'est Moi! between trends, gifts and themeory!

Hi ladies, how are goin your hunts?

It's a funny time halloween, especially in sl...and for continuing this shopping time I would show you my last news, starting by the Themeory item: My halloween glutch

with pose/anim for AOs

Just 75 L$ you know, find it near the Themeory sign..It's not all!!

I finished in theese days the new exclusive group gift! My flower tunik: it is a sculpted floreal dress/shirt thinked for you my cool babe..Hey is free just joining the C'est Moi! group

and then?

C'est Moi! collection continue with the tartan blouses in 4 colours

Tartan is so trendy I know so...what about for a tartan tunic? and a jeans tunic?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/42238720@N02/ here more pics

Come to shopping in your favourite hip shop!..and remember Be Cool, wear C'est Moi!